Enhance Your Restaurant Image

The Restaurant Association of Maryland (RAM) has a simple mission: to promote, protect, and improve the foodservice and hospitality industry in Maryland. We now offer professional, creative services to help promote your business and improve your outward-facing image. The world of technology and digital marketing changes daily. The thought of keeping up while running a restaurant is daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. RAM can create everything you need! View our professional services below to see how easily you can boost your appearance.


Camera displaying food photo


One photography session can offer several months of high-end content for your website, social media pages, and printable graphics. Stage professional, creative photos you’ve always wanted. People trust what they see; make it look good!


Various food posters

Graphic & Website Design

Do you need a new menu or flyer design? Want to update your website? RAM’s graphic design team is now part of your team! Let us know what type of services you need; we will provide a price quote and estimated completion date for your project.


Cell photo showing data


Showcase your new visuals to the right audience with RAM’s targeted marketing software and digital advertising options. We have built a large audience within the local foodservice industry and will provide the analytics to back it up!

Ready to get started? Have more questions?

Email Austin Morgan, RAM Marketing & Communications Manager, to learn more.

Creative services pricing sheet