2024 MPSI Interest
By completing this you are showing interest in participating in the 2024 Maryland ProStart Student Invitational. Date and time TBD.
This year we will be incorporating induction burners, so please read below carefully:
-Maryland will be incorporating induction from here on out, but nationals will continue to use butane. The winners will have to work out a plan to practice with butane before nationals if your county does not allow butane use in your school.
-We will be providing $500 grants per culinary team and 2 induction burners per culinary team (2 teams allowed per school) if you are not able to use butane at your school.
-Induction burners will be loaned to you to practice on and compete with. You will be required to bring the burners to the competition. After the competition, we will be collecting burners back. Any damages will be your responsibility to replace.
-We will providing $250 grants per management team (2 teams allowed per school)
We will be implementing a cake decorating competition this year.
- Students may compete in one or two of the competitions (i.e. the baking competition and the culinary competition).
- This is an individual competition. Schools may submit up to 4 students or teams to participate in this competition.
- Winners will not win scholarships, but will receive a prize.
- Teams will provided cake layers by RAMEF, and will need to provide everything else.
- Competition is scored on appearance and not taste.
When registering, please put your school's name in the company name slot.
For More Information: